Anyway moving on....
My name is Patrick Sebbens and I am currently completing a degree at southern cross university. Suffice to say, it's very stupid doing a course via correspondence(external units), so if you consider attending university in the near future, for the love of god, complete units on campus. It will save you a lot of stress come exam/assessment time when you have a specific question, and google decides not to be your friend.
Basically you could say the first few months of university were a waste. But nevertheless, i moved on and i am finally completing the coursework(i had a very lazy final year of high school where i completed nth of the content and still managed to get into what i initially wanted to do at uni. Oh and when i mean i did nothing, boy i did NIL! For the first two terms of year12 P.E., I didn't even own a textbook, yet have an exercise book with anything other than swastikas drawn through the first 30pages.)This laziness gave me a lot of free time to spend year12 playing video games and troll the inter webs. But anyway i digress...
I figured it would be >9000 times more convenient to study at home via correspondence with the uni; boy was I wrong.
Until recently i was an avid gamer, with several days of game time spent on halo3 back in the year of '08 when it was actually populated by a community who knew what the SNES was. I got to, hmm... i think it was called colonel rank or something, well three stars which was a skill rating of around ~44. After conquering the multilayer of this video game(by conquering, I of course mean beating a couple of 16 year old's in a medial video game), i decided to play the MMO world of warcraft. Wow. Wow would be considered one of the most dangerous substances known to man. I mean people take lines of coke and forget hours of their day, but a single 25man raid could take 4-5 hours, running the 10man could be another 3, and boom there's half your waking day gone; and there is no "feels good man" effect.
I played a fair few classes, being born on Dath'Remar in early '08 and finishing my service in late April '10. Once i was power leveled to 70, I became what everyone sees as the complete noob; which is what to be expected with the recruit a friend service coupled with a compulsive nature. Going from 1-70 in a matter of days, I couldn't have a clue as to how to play the game properly, i had been given a handful of buttons to play with and eventually found out how 70 content actually worked. I was extremely lucky with pugs, having the crazy luck to enter a BT run with a very competent pug, and only staying in because some clown justified keeping sanc aura/ time constraints of finding a new paladin. Yes i was, for the most part useless, but the rest of the raid didn't seem to notice, nor care. I slowly ran around the game like a headless chicken for the most part, slowly gaining knowledge of the game. With the release of sunwell plateau, i was almost competent, furthermore with the release of ret paladins to the game as an actual raiding spec, i became a little more useful. It was at this time i decided to leave my paladin, and explore the world of rogues. After a few weeks of lvling a rogue to the grand 70, i had slowly acquired knowledge about the world of raiding, the game inside wow. I discovered the world of ej, with massive growth to my player ability. I had broken free, i was no longer a scrub. With what i had learned, i slowly geared up, and entered the world of sunwell for the very first time, as a rogue. The guild i had joined on Jubei was a fragment of two other guilds, and i was slowly slotted in. Gear was hard to come by, but i was extremely lucky with drops, and became reputable as a rogue. A guild needed another number for ssc; i was dragged there. Hell i even organised a few hyjal pugs, making it through almost to archimonde, in a pug! The only thing jubei demanded was social cohesiveness...
3.0(3.0 refers to a patch number, signifying a new time in the game) arose, bringing with it huge nerfs to the world of raiding, and a sneak peek of what was yet to come. The time of 3.0 was fairly uneventful for me, just the same old dailies and the same old stuff.
With the release of Wrath of the Lich king, the slate was wiped clean. All the old epics became.. well crap. A new insurgency of greens would flood the bags of lvlers, making enchanting the best bet for profit. Wrath of the lich king took away my real life friends, the interest in raiding had fallen, with only 1 or 2 left playing. I jumped back to dath'remar and gave playing a ret paladin properly a crack. I slowly ascended to 80, thinking of the fun and adventure i would have, in the rehashed instance, Naxxramas.:See blog::: Tales of Naxxramas:::
I even considered joining a guild that would hit the server first: Naxxramas achievement. However this was not to be the case, with the alliance claiming it as their own. But hey, i was in store for some great fun. At the stroke of midnight, after many many hours of playing, i had finally hit 80, feeling free to enter the first raid of the action packed expansion. However this was a little difficult, as i forgot the most important element of raiding; it's NOT SOLO PLAY!
So there i was, a newly lvled 80 ret pally, with the world under his feet. I decided to leave my slowly destroyed bc guild "Ancient" and find a newer, active guild. However this was hard to come by, with most guilds shaken apart by the 3.0 exodus from wow. Dath'remar was home to a few solid guilds, with already FULL 25man groups, with guilds that were either close to their peak of 3.0 content, or slowly building, not looking for more members. The guilds that were looking for more members, last prodigies for example, generally were too small to suit my needs at the time. However one name did strike me as interesting; a newly created guild called "Poshmina Supremacy" took my eye. The Guild leader, appropriately named Poshmina was recruiting en masse. Now this struck me as a casual guild, no doubt, however guarantees of a solid raid position with a guild whose leader seemed oh so devoted to playing wow 24/7 met my eye. So I accepted invites to Poshmina Supremacy, unaware of the shitstorm that was about to hit me.
The first few raids were very interesting, getting through most of the bosses in mainly blues and hitting a few brick walls along the way."I ended up having to kite on Gluth, which caused a few wipes initially and decimate would catch me offguard".
The first time we attempted the Heigan dance, being our first time, became a 20minute battle to the end. It concluded with Ravenimus(myself), Solenoide(tank) and two healers (it may have been kellin and a priest) slowly downing the few million the boss had.
This was the moment we discovered killingit, our sur hunter. At the time, dishing 3.1k dps in blues was pretty damn good for a hunter, better yet was doing that sort of damage on a movement fight, was stellar.
Slowly we acquired more epics, and eventually got to the point where the 13 raiders we had in the guild decided; " you know what, we should do 25mans". It had been established that we would later complete 25man content with a sister guild known as sensation. They already had 25mans running, which happened to fail(remember ketma, well imagine him in blues) so they decided to merge their competent players with usto form a strong 25man team.
We killed Kel Thuzad, and Malygos on 25man one to two weeks later. Sensation eventually fell apart as a guild with their core raiders joining Poshmina Supremacy. Poshmina decided it was time for her guild to become competitive on the server. However at the moment, the guild was often ridiculed solely because of its name. In mid march, Poshmina Supremacy merged with a small guild facing the same tribulations known as Murloc Assasination Crew, and hence a new guild was born. Mac Supremacy would become a competetive raiding guild on dath'remar.
Obviously, a merge means some people will leave and some will stay. Solenoide and Sonin decided to leave the guild that had formed, solely being against the ideals placed into the guild.
On this note, i left the guild and entered the world of dath'remar. At this point, dath'remar was undertaking a revolutionary change, uniform to all servers. The raiders of T7 content became sick of the poor quality of difficulty and left wow altogether. The first week when Ulduar was released, dath saw the beginning of the destruction of three top guilds horde , , the decline of strength of
To be continued another day.