Now this is one filthy, filthy thing to have
Basically what it is is a case of maggots growing UNDER YOUR SKIN. But how could this happen in this day and age you say? Well it does, mostly in Tropical Third World countries.
If there is anything that could drive a person towards cleanliness in all aspects of the word, then this my blogfags, would be it.
I mean come on.
You can see this and more at http://www.stanford.edu/class/humbio103/ParaSites2001/myiasis/Anna%20West%27s%20Myiasis%20Page.htm
Anyway not much has happened really lately, just the same old, and i am slowly getting the nerve to start polyphasic sleep. At the moment i have prepared myself with a series of "dry runs" where i hop into bed at the same time i will with the uberman schedule, and i do my bestb to get half an hour of sleep; just to prepare.
Also i have noticed an afternoon nap using the siesta phasic sleep schedule works a treat, and makes it extremely easy to get up early. I will have plenty of time to work on this schedule too now that i have finished this semester's exams(FAILING STATS IS AWESOME AMIRITE!!).
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