here it is folks, the winning streak that will hopefully bring me all the way to the bottom of diamond in 4v4's (mind you a lot of these games have been against players who we as a team have been heavily favoured for); but irregardless, a streak of 10 wins stands tall on its own. I would guess that around 4-5 of these games have been with heavy concentrations of diamond league players, but alas, no diamond for me.
This streak has also altered my w/l ratio quite a bit. My current w/l ratio stands at a mighty 66.6% which i hope to somehow increase with a shiteload of luck. Maybe one day i will reach the elusive diamond league!
If anyone wants to have a good fun game with this poor platinum noob, then you can hit me up with an invite either on starcraft(my character id is #833 on SEA servers) or if you frequent the forums then you can pm me "HoriZon!" there.
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