Saturday, May 29, 2010

Not another bad Mmo

So here's the situation: You have just started another mmo, which will be now taking up a lot more of your time. You study for approximately 3 hours a day, work for 4 hours every few days and have a hefty schedule of other activities which take up most of your time. For the better part of the night, you are getting about 8hours of sleep; and with this you suffer from acute tiredness. You feel lethargic, and every morning hits you with the force of a concrete block; a constant hangover. But now, you have entered the endgame of this mmo, and any endgame be it aion, wow, guild wars, age of conan, any endgame means more hours/ more effort put into the game.

So here we are, putting another 3hours of gaming into this schedule, even more. I COULD try to make time, by shaving off study time work/ other games/ other activites. And that is what I shall do. By shaving time off sleep.

But how could this work you ask? You need those precious hours of REM to prevent yourself from going crazy!

We obviously know that our society operates on a circadium metronome. 24hours, 8-10 for sleep, the rest for play. However what we don't know is the wasted time spent on sleep. Sleep is beneficial, nobody is here to deny that, however it is incredibly inefficient. REM, or the dream state of sleep is shown to revitalize the mind, allow structural repair and HGH development. However a large portion of time is spent in lighter states of sleep; states, which could be classified as wasted time, not particularly needed.

Well what if we could hack our brains, tell them to become more productive and go straight into the tonic which is REM sleep?

Well we can.

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