Well the last few rounds of gsl have been quite interesting, a lot of big names have been eliminated from the competition and after seeing the death of some of the big FOus and slayersboxer, it i s hard to tell who exactly is going to take the season 3 GSL cup.
One big surprise was seeing a westerner make the top 8, with the advent of LiquidJinro to the Korean scene. Will he make the metagame more interesting? Only time will tell. We have seen what SlayersBoxer and Fruitdealer have done to it, will Jinro's playstyle be just as influential?
Of course Fruitdealer is known for winning GSL 1,taking out HopeTorture(Intotherainbow).
He qualified for GSL 2 and defeated his first opponent in the round of 64. FruitDealer was invited to do a showmatch agains, SlayersBoxer where he defeated The Emperor. After returning to Korea to play in the round of 32 in the GSL his opponent, also with the ID Boxer but more commonly known as "Fake Boxer", defeated the reigning champion 2-0.
Hmmm maybe its time to create a blog where each day i reveal to all my avid readers(All three of you) a pro from the korean scene which you may or may not be unfamiliar with. Hmmm maybe i'll do that.
Featured Above SlayersBoxer; korean emperor
Featured Below left: Team Liqiud's Jinro
Featured Below right: EG's Grack "IdRa" Fields.

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