So with the overhaul of the entire 1-60 in its entirety, i would highly recommend everyone to create a new character and just go out there and see the granduer and spendour which is a destroyed azeroth. The lvling purgatory we all once felt has become nothing but a memory.Blizzard took the challenge of making the old 1-60 grind into something new players especially could enjoy and progress through at a relatively fast pace while still appreciating the lore and interest of questing. WOTLK style questing takes place in many old areas, such as the renovations of hillsbrad foothills, in particular the quests following a particular death knight and his trip to the gilnean island. And even boring old places such as aszhara have been revamped to become more player friendly.
Orgrimmar is arguably the most changed place in all of azeroth now, the end of thrall has spelt disaster for those who despise the skies; and the city has more than quadroupled in size.
Blizzard's changes to lvling have arguably been one of the best modifications they have made to the game in general, and something that will be highly appreciated in the future.
Say hello to 10 more alts azeroth, they are coming!
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